Which Stucco System Is Best For You?
European Stucco Co. follows the ancients and their way of beautifying the exterior and interior of their abodes and has been doing it for more than 20 years. And we do it in as many variants as they are known and developed: hard coat, EIFS, plaster, architectural shapes and all kind of masonry work.

EIFS System
If you have: metal framing and exterior weatherproof substrate or CMU Blocks, or existing Brick or stone veneer exterior, you might be qualified for EIFS.

Real Stucco
Hard Coat Stucco is good for any type of framing or substrate because is not only beautiful but it breathes keeping the substrate dry and free of mildew growth.

Venetian Plaster
If you are looking for a healthy and beautiful, ageless wall finish, there is nothing better than Venetian Plaster.

Remodeling & Repairs
No matter what your needs might be, we can remodel, restore, repair or demo and rebuild any exterior/interior wall cladding.

Custom Shapes & Molds
We can do them for real or we can do them so they can look like real, you make the call: balustrades, railings, crown molds, columns, bands, sills, keystones, you name it.